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You landed on the right page to know everything about deomestic oven


Authentic and Traditional Cooking: Wood ovens have been used for centuries and are known for their ability to create delicious and authentic flavors. The radiant heat from the wood fire adds a unique smoky taste to your dishes.

Versatility: Wood ovens offer great versatility in cooking. You can bake bread, pizzas, roast meats, grill vegetables, and even prepare desserts.


Energy Efficiency: Wood ovens are energy-efficient. They require less energy compared to conventional ovens powered by electricity or gas. By using sustainably sourced firewood, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener lifestyle.

Outdoor Cooking Experience: Wood ovens are often designed for outdoor use. They create a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for gathering with family and friends. Cooking in a wood oven can become a social activity, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors while preparing delicious meals.

Temperature Control: Wood ovens provide good temperature control. You can easily adjust the heat by adding or reducing the amount of firewood.

Durability and Longevity: Wood ovens are typically built to withstand high temperatures and harsh outdoor conditions. They are often constructed with durable materials like brick or stone, which can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.

Self-Sufficiency: Having a wood oven gives you the freedom to cook even during power outages or when you're camping in remote areas. As long as you have access to firewood, you can continue to enjoy cooking with a wood oven, making it a reliable and self-sufficient option.

You'll need to make sure that you have a suitable outdoor space, access to firewood, and proper ventilation for the smoke. 


Choosing the right oven for your home involves considering several key factors. Here are some important steps to help you for choosing the right oven for your home:-


Your Cooking Needs: Start by assessing your cooking requirements. Consider the types of dishes you plan to prepare, the frequency of use, and the number of people you typically cook for.

Available Space: Measure the dimension and weight of the oven and the available space in your home, both indoors and outdoors, where you intend to install the oven. 

Fuel Type: Decide on the type of fuel you prefer to use. Wood-fired ovens offer the authentic taste and aroma, but they require a steady supply of wood. Alternatively, gas-fired ovens provide convenience and easier temperature control. Choose the fuel type that aligns with your cooking style and availability of resources.

Construction Materials: Consider the construction materials of the oven. Common options include brick, clay, stainless steel, or refractory materials. Each material has different heat retention and durability characteristics. Our ovens offer an advance proprietary refractory formula and ceramic fiber insulation to take the guesswork out.

Heat Distribution and Retention: Find an oven with excellent heat distribution and retention capabilities. Efficient insulation and design features such as a thermal mass can help the oven maintain consistent temperatures, resulting in even cooking and energy efficiency.


Versatility and Cooking Options: Consider the versatility of the oven and the range of cooking options it offers. Some ovens are designed specifically for pizza, while others can accommodate various cooking styles like baking, roasting, or grilling. So pick an oven that fits your requirements.


Budget: Determine your budget range for purchasing an oven. Prices can vary significantly depending on the size, material, and additional features. Consider the long-term value and durability of the oven when evaluating its price.


Warranty and Customer Support: A reliable warranty and responsive customer support can provide peace of mind and assistance in case of any issues or concerns with your oven. 


If you have purchased an oven and are expecting its delivery, here are some general steps to receive it:


Confirm the delivery details:

Make sure you have the correct delivery date, time, and address. Double-check any communication or documentation you received from the seller or delivery service.

Prepare the space:

Clear the area where you plan to install the oven. Remove any obstacles or items that might obstruct the delivery process.

Be present or arrange for someone to be present:

Ensure that you or a trusted representative are available at the delivery location during the scheduled time. This allows you to receive the oven and sign any necessary paperwork.

Inspect the package:

When the delivery arrives, carefully inspect the package for any signs of damage. If there are visible signs of damage to the packaging, note it on the delivery receipt or inform the delivery person.

Unpack and inspect the oven:

Once the oven is inside your home, carefully unpack it and inspect it for any visible damage or defects. If you notice any issues, document them with photographs and contact the seller or manufacturer promptly.

Follow installation instructions:

If you plan to install the oven yourself, carefully read and follow the manufacturer's installation instructions. If you're unsure about the installation process, consider hiring a professional to ensure it's done correctly.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines, and specific instructions may vary depending on the seller, delivery service, and the type of oven you have purchased. It's always a good idea to consult any provided documentation or reach out to the seller for any specific instructions or requirements regarding the delivery and installation process.

Hydraulic Lifter

A Hydraulic lifter can allow you to raise up your wood fired oven so you can easily slide it onto the stand or your bench top. You will need to slide it from the box to the platform, raise it to a suitable height, and then slide it across. You will still need four people to manoeuvre the oven but they will not need to lift the full weight, significantly reducing the strain.

Hydraulic lifters have varying weight limits, please make sure you choose the correct lifter for your oven.

An engine lifter allows you more freedom to lift your oven into place without requiring four people to help. Strap the oven onto the lifter and carefully manoeuvre it into place on the stand or bench top.


Engine lifters have varying weight limits, please make sure you choose the correct lifter for your oven.


Congratulations! you have got your domestic oven. Now you are ready to fire it up and start enjoying the food and fun.

Firing a domestic wood oven for the first time requires some preparation to ensure a smooth and successful experience. Follow these steps:-

  1. Check the manual: Read the manufacturer's manual thoroughly before using the wood oven for the first time. This will provide specific instructions, safety guidelines, and essential precautions to follow during the initial firing and regular use.
  2. Clean the oven: Make sure the oven is free from any debris, dust, or foreign materials. Use a brush or cloth to clean the interior of the oven and remove any packaging materials that might be inside.
  3. Gather firewood: Use seasoned hardwood for the best results. Oak, maple, beech, and cherry are excellent choices. Avoid using softwoods like pine, as they produce excessive creosote and can lead to dangerous chimney buildup.
  4. Arrange the firewood: Create a small stack of firewood inside the oven. Place the wood in a criss-cross pattern, allowing for adequate airflow. Avoid overloading the oven with wood; a small stack is sufficient for the first firing.
  5. Always begin with dry kindling positioned approximately 10 inches from the front of the oven, ensuring the exclusion of chemicals or starter fluids.
  6. Once the fire has been successfully initiated, gradually add small pieces of wood to foster a controlled fire. It is important to raise the temperature gradually, avoiding the creation of an excessively large fire that might escape from the oven's opening.
  7. After approximately 20 minutes, introduce larger chunks of wood into the fire, while simultaneously moving the fire towards the back of the oven.
  8. Over time, you will observe the oven dome darkening in color. As the temperature increases and more heat accumulates within the dome, it will transition into a whitish grey shade. When the entire dome exhibits this coloration, it signifies that the oven has reached its maximum cooking temperature, ranging from 800°F to 1,000°F.
  9. It is recommended to allow the oven to preheat for a duration of 45-60 minutes prior to cooking. On colder days, when the ambient temperature falls below 40°F, it is advisable to extend the preheating time, allowing the oven to gradually reach the desired temperature.

Remember that using a wood-fired oven requires responsible fire management and continuous attention to ensure safety and efficiency. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use proper safety equipment when handling fires. Enjoy the delicious food and unique experience of cooking with a wood oven!


Please adhere to the guidelines provided below to properly cure your pizza oven. Curing is an essential step to ensure optimal performance of your oven. Neglecting these instructions may lead to various issues, including but not limited to dome cracking, which can significantly compromise heat retention capabilities.

IMPORTANT: It is crucial to meticulously adhere to the temperature guidelines outlined in the manual. Overheating your oven prematurely during the curing process may result in undesirable cracking.

What makes proper curing absolutely essential?

Once your oven is cast, it contains a substantial amount of water in relation to the concrete. This water needs to be thoroughly baked out during the curing process. Proper curing not only eliminates moisture but also enhances the structural integrity of the dome. However, it is crucial to avoid rapid heating, as this can cause the water to escape too quickly throughout the entire dome, potentially leading to cracks.

Furthermore, even after the installation of your oven, significant moisture remains present in the mortars, hearth concrete, vermiculite, as well as the oven chamber and vent. These components MAY have undergone a recent water-based process and require proper curing to remove the moisture effectively. Simply allowing the oven to stand for a week is insufficient to fully eliminate the moisture content from the oven.



When is the appropriate time to commence the curing process?

If you have purchased a fully assembled pizza oven directly from, you can begin the curing process immediately after receiving the oven.


More about Curing?

Important Instructions for Properly Curing Your Pizza Oven:

  1. Slow and Consistent Curing: To ensure proper curing, it is crucial not to exceed the recommended temperatures, especially during the initial two days.
  2. Five-Day Curing Process: Follow this 5-day curing process with progressively larger fires:
    Day 1: 300ºF (149°C) for 6 hours (longer is better)
    Day 2: 350ºF (177°C)
    Day 3: 400ºF (204°C)
    Day 4: 450ºF (232°C)
    Day 5: 500ºF (260°C)
  3. Fire Placement: Start and maintain the fire in the center of the interior dome wall. Avoid letting the fire get too high and touch the dome directly, as this can spike temperatures.
  4. Use the Oven Door Wisely: Use the oven door as a windbreak, leaving about a 1-inch gap when the fire is lit. This will help direct smoke up the vent, allowing impurities to burn off at lower temperatures.
  5. Temperature Measurement: Measure the temperature at the dome of the oven, as it will be the hottest point. Do not exceed the recommended temperature for each day's cure schedule by more than a few degrees.
  6. Dry Wood Fuels Only: Use only solid wood fuels; avoid using charcoal, pressure-treated lumber, chipped wood products, sappy wood, laminated wood, or any material other than dry, medium- or hard-firewood.
  7. Safe Fire Starting: Do not use liquid fuel to start or maintain a fire. Acetylene torches and food-grade fire starters are acceptable aids for starting a fire.
  8. Gas Burner Curing: If using a gas burner for curing, follow the manufacturer's instructions and skip the wood in the curing process.
  9. Avoid Water: Never use water to lower the oven temperature or extinguish the fire, as it can lead to damage like "spalling," pitting, and cracking of floor tiles.
  10. Proper Timing: Allow a sufficient period between completing masonry work and beginning the actual firing cure. Longer curing time is better, especially for the dome cement.
  11. No Space Heaters: Avoid using space heaters, as they can produce excessive steam and pose safety hazards.
  12. Black Smoke Explanation: If you notice black smoke during the first two days of curing, don't worry; it's food-grade grease used in the refractory de-molding process. The smoke will dissipate during the curing process.

Congratulations! Your oven is now complete and ready for baking. Enjoy cooking in your wood-fired brick oven!


How Weather Conditions Can Impact Your Wood Fired Oven?

Exploring the Impact of Weather, Particularly Rainwater, on Oven Performance.

To grasp the full implications, it's essential to understand the effects of outdoor exposure on ovens. When an oven is built outdoors, it becomes susceptible to rainwater from all angles. Despite efforts to seal the dome with our roll-on render coating and implement a water barrier system, the firebrick front of the oven remains vulnerable to rainwater absorption, which can then be drawn into the oven. Keep your oven under a roof or use the included cover to prevent water from getting into the chamber.


Achieving Optimal Performance for Your Wood Fired Oven.

To ensure consistent and perfect performance of your Wood Fired Oven, maintaining a dry environment is crucial. Preventing rainwater from seeping into the oven is paramount, safeguarding your oven's functionality for every cooking session. ALWAYS use the included cover after the oven is cold to keep the moisture out of the dome.

How Does Water Enter the Oven?

Understanding Water Entry Points in Your Oven:


This occurs when rainwater permeates the firebricks at the mouth of the oven, subsequently seeping into the Insulation board. As firebricks and other refractory materials are highly porous, any exposed firebrick surfaces such as the Vent Arch and Oven Floor can absorb and retain water for extended periods, even during subsequent hot and dry weather conditions.


There are two primary avenues for rainwater to access the firebrick Vent Arch and Oven Floor. Firstly, it can be driven directly onto these porous firebrick surfaces by heavy rain. Secondly, rainwater can travel down the exterior of the flue, find its way through the expansion joint in the top of the Flue Gallery, and eventually reach the Oven Floor. While we would prefer the expansion joint to be completely watertight, no waterproof sealant exists that can withstand the high temperatures of the flue while remaining soft and compressible, which is necessary to prevent the splitting of the Flue Gallery caused by the flue's expansion when heated.


It is important to note that high humidity alone does not cause water retention in the oven; water accumulation is solely a result of rain or dissolved snow.

Addressing Water-related Challenges

Therefore, to reiterate, in the case of an outdoor oven lacking proper protection from rain, the firebrick vent and floor tiles at the oven's entrance will soak up the rainfall and draw it inside. Consequently, the moisture infiltrates the insulation board beneath the oven floor tiles, and the only means of drying it out is through a series of gentle firings.


You might wonder, "Alright, we understand that water absorption occurs if the oven is exposed to rain. But is this a cause for concern?"


The impact of environmental conditions on oven performance varies significantly depending on your location.


In regions with predominantly warm climates and minimal exposure to extreme cold (e.g., areas where snowfall is rare), a mildly damp oven can be inconvenient but not catastrophic. However, it's important to note that a damp oven will require an extended period to reach desired temperatures and will cool down faster than expected. This is primarily due to the moisture affecting the insulation, which becomes damp and thermally conductive. Consequently, heat transfer occurs more readily, dissipating warmth from the oven rather than retaining it. If you've noticed your oven's prolonged heating time, rest assured that this moisture-related issue is the likely cause.


In case your oven becomes excessively soaked, with leftover ash feeling wet and muddy, it indicates the necessity to return to Day 3 of the Curing Fires process. This step involves gently drying out the oven to restore its functionality. It's crucial to avoid attempting to build a significant fire in an overly wet oven, as this could potentially lead to a steam explosion in the oven floor. Although the risk of a steam explosion only arises in situations where a substantial fire is generated in an extremely wet oven, it remains essential to exercise extreme caution and prevent such scenarios. Safety precautions should be taken to safeguard against any mishaps.


You: "I believe there might be water in my oven, but I want to determine if it's genuinely soaked or just slightly damp to avoid any potential steam explosions."


That's an excellent question, and there are a couple of ways to assess the moisture level in your oven.

First, inspect the ash and old embers inside the oven. If they are wet and muddy, it's a clear indication that your oven is soaked. In this case, you should proceed with the careful drying process outlined in the Curing Fires video, starting from Day 3.


For a more definitive test, you can perform the tissue method. Place a tissue on the oven floor, where the Oven Door would typically rest, and place a flat object on top to weigh it down. Leave it in place for about ten minutes, and then check the tissue. If it has absorbed a significant amount of water, it suggests that your oven is likely wet. On the other hand, if the tissue is nearly dry, your oven is probably just damp, and you can proceed directly to the major firings described in the next section.


By following these methods, you can determine the moisture level of your oven and proceed accordingly, ensuring safety and avoiding any potential steam explosions.


If you are aware that your oven has absorbed some water and you're uncertain about whether it's genuinely wet or just damp, it's advisable to err on the side of caution. In this situation, assuming that the oven is genuinely wet and going through the gentle Curing fires again is a prudent approach. It's always better to prioritize safety and take preventive measures. By being cautious and thorough, you can ensure the longevity of your oven, allowing it to serve you for many years to come. Remember, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your oven and avoiding potential issues down the line.

Comprehensive Approaches for Drying your Oven

Once you are confident that your oven is prepared for significant firings, we recommend conducting a minimum of four full firings to ensure complete removal of any remaining moisture. The "Fire and Forget" method, as demonstrated in the video below, is particularly effective for this purpose, as the hot coals tend to distribute evenly across the oven floor.


For the first and second major firings, simply follow the Fire and Forget method shown in the video. This technique concentrates most of the heat in the back half of the oven, gently expelling moisture from the front half.


During the third major firing, replicate the same method. Once the fire has burned down to hot coals, use a rake to bring the coals forward, covering the circular section of the oven floor while avoiding the Vent area.


On the fourth major firing, repeat the above process, but this time rake the coals all the way into the Vent area, stopping just short of the landing. To protect your stone landing from direct heat damage, remember to use your oven door as a shield. 

Congratulations! Your oven is now completely dry and restored to its original state. 

Securing your Oven

If your oven is exposed to the elements, it is recommended to consider using a protective cover when the oven is not in use, ensuring it remains dry. For ovens located in warm climates where freeze-thaw cracking is not a concern, covering the oven opening will help prevent rainwater from entering. In case water is entering the oven through the flue, you can remove the flue pipe and directly place a cowling onto the flue sleeve, as depicted below. This arrangement will effectively reduce rainwater infiltration, but for complete dryness, it is advisable to fully cover the entire oven.

Keeping your oven safe in cold climates

To ensure complete protection against freeze-thaw damage, the most reliable approach is to construct an enclosure around your oven, maintaining its dryness throughout the year. By keeping your oven sheltered, adverse effects of cold weather can be completely avoided. Shielded from rain and other elements, your oven remains unaffected, ensuring peace of mind.


Maintaining a Wood Fired Oven in Cold Climates revolves around one crucial aspect: ensuring it stays completely dry throughout the winter season.


What is the functioning principle behind a wood-fired oven?

A wood-fired oven works by utilizing the heat produced from burning wood to cook food. The basic working principle involves the following steps:

  1. Firing the Oven: To start, wood is burned inside the oven chamber. The fire generates intense heat, which is essential for cooking.

  2. Heating and Absorption: The oven's walls, floor, and dome absorb the heat from the burning wood. As the fire continues, these surfaces get extremely hot, and their thermal mass stores the heat.

  3. Radiant Heat: Once the oven reaches the desired temperature, the burning wood is pushed to the side, and the hot surfaces inside the oven emit radiant heat. This radiant heat circulates around the oven and cooks the food placed inside.

  4. Conduction and Convection: The oven floor's high temperature ensures even cooking from below, while the hot air circulating inside the oven cooks the food from above. This combination of conduction and convection cooking methods helps create delicious and evenly cooked dishes.

  5. Retaining Heat: Even after the fire is removed, the oven retains heat for an extended period due to the thermal mass of the oven's materials. This allows multiple batches of food to be cooked without needing to maintain the fire constantly.

  6. Adjusting Cooking Temperatures: The cooking temperature can be controlled by managing the amount of wood burned, the positioning of the fire, and the oven's venting system.

Overall, a wood-fired oven's efficiency in retaining and distributing heat makes it an excellent choice for cooking a wide variety of dishes, including pizzas, bread, roasted meats, vegetables, and more.

What differentiates your ovens from the more affordable metal ones?

The difference between high-quality ovens and cheaper metal ones can be significant and can impact various aspects of performance, durability, and cooking experience. Here are some key distinctions:

  • Materials: High-quality ovens often utilize refractory materials like firebricks, refractory concrete, or clay, which have excellent heat retention and distribution properties. In contrast, cheaper metal ovens are typically made of thin gauge stainless steel or other lightweight metals, which may not retain heat as effectively.
  • Heat Retention and Efficiency: Refractory materials in quality ovens retain heat for longer periods, allowing consistent and efficient cooking. Cheaper metal ovens may experience more significant heat loss, requiring more frequent fueling and longer cooking times.
  • Cooking Performance: Due to better heat retention and distribution, high-quality ovens can achieve higher temperatures and provide more even cooking results. This is especially crucial for wood-fired ovens, where temperature control and consistent heat are essential for optimal cooking outcomes.
  • Durability and Longevity: High-quality ovens are built to withstand intense heat, weather conditions, and thermal expansion and contraction. They are designed for long-term use and can endure frequent heating and cooling cycles without warping or structural damage. Cheaper metal ovens may be more prone to rust, corrosion, and deformation over time.
  • Versatility and Cooking Options: Quality ovens often offer greater versatility, allowing various cooking methods such as baking, roasting, grilling, and even smoking. They may have additional features like adjustable dampers, cooking surfaces, or multi-level racks, expanding the range of culinary possibilities.
  • Aesthetics and Craftsmanship: High-quality ovens are often crafted with attention to detail, offering a visually appealing and authentic cooking experience. The design and construction of these ovens can enhance the ambiance and add a touch of elegance to outdoor spaces.

While cheaper metal ovens may provide a more budget-friendly option, they may not deliver the same level of heat retention, cooking performance, durability, and versatility as higher-end, refractory-based ovens. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on individual preferences, cooking goals, and budget considerations.

What is the approximate heating time for your ovens?

The heating time for ovens typically depends on the type of oven and the desired cooking temperature. However, on average, wood-fired ovens take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour to reach cooking temperatures ranging from 500°F to 700°F (260°C to 370°C).

It's important to note that factors such as the ambient temperature, the amount of wood used, and the oven's size can also influence the heating time.

What is the approximate amount of firewood required to your oven?

Having a clear idea of the amount of fuel needed for a complete firing of the oven you intend to install is crucial, especially if you don't have easy access to a hardwood forest on your property

A general guideline to consider is that ovens with greater thermal mass require more time and fuel to reach desired temperatures. The figures provided below are approximate and assume starting from a cold oven and heating it up to 400°C/750°F using quality seasoned hardwood.

  • Small Ovens (25kg/55lb)
  • Large Ovens (40kg/90lb)
What is the pizza capacity of your different oven models?

One important aspect we often like to address is that this issue might not even be a concern! The key to understand upfront is that our ovens can cook pizzas in less than 2 minutes.

Now, let's consider the scenario where you can fit two pizzas at a time, and you are well-prepared. In just one hour, you could cook nearly 60 pizzas! This goes to show that the limiting factor isn't usually the oven's capacity to fit pizzas, but rather how quickly you can stretch and top the pizza bases – that's where the process might slow down.

To give you a better sense of the cooking area inside the oven, we have provided some images below for your reference.

  • Small Ovens (2-3 x 10" Pizzas)
  • Large Ovens (4-6 x 10" Pizza)
What is the average cooking time for pizzas in your Wood Fired Ovens?

Speedily! Swiftly! In fact, you'll have to stay alert while cooking because a lightly topped pizza can be cooked in under 60 seconds when the Wood Fired Oven reaches a temperature of 400°C/750°F. If you have the recommended amount of toppings, your pizza will take approximately two minutes to cook.

What makes your Ovens worth investing in, despite the availability of cheaper alternatives?

Value and Quality Assurance. While it's true that there are cheaper options available in the market, we believe that the value and quality you'll receive with our Ovens are worth the investment. Here's why:

  1. Uncompromising Quality: We have built a reputation for manufacturing Ovens of the highest possible quality. Our rigorous research and sourcing process ensure that we use top-grade materials and components. We prioritize delivering a product that exceeds your expectations and stands the test of time.

While cheaper options may exist, we invite you to consider the long-term value, exceptional quality, and peace of mind that comes with choosing our Oven Kits.

Is there a physical showroom where I can personally visit?

Certainly! We take pride in offering a beautiful showroom where customers can personally visit and experience our Wood Fired Ovens up close. We believe in providing a tactile and immersive environment that allows you to see the quality and craftsmanship of our products firsthand. While maintaining reasonable pricing, we invite you to explore our showroom, where you can visualize how our Wood Fired Ovens can enhance your cooking space and elevate your culinary endeavors.

For further details, please Contact Us

What Warranty Terms you offered?

Please see our detailed Warranty Terms here.

Is there support available for answering questions?

Absolutely! At our company, we are committed to delivering top-notch Wood Fired Ovens and providing exceptional post-sales support to our valued customers. Our Wood Fired Ovens are designed for a complete do-it-yourself experience, and we want you to feel confident knowing that we have your back throughout the entire process. We are here to assist you every step of the way.

How long it would take time to deliver my order after purchased?

Shipping times within the contiguous United States vary from 7-10 days and non-stock items may have lead times of 5- 10 weeks before shipping. We typically ship via a variety of common carriers. We reserve the right to select the shipping method on all free shipments.

All shipments will be delivered curbside only. Delivery does not include inside delivery, uncrating or installation. Please make arrangements for adequate personnel and/or equipment for unloading at your location.

All shipments outside of the lower 48 contiguous USA States require a shipping quote and customer approval before processing. This includes Hawaii, Alaska and all international destinations. After placing your order, you will be contacted with a shipping quote for your approval. We are unable to deliver to Post Office Boxes.

For more details please visit our shipping page

What is the recommended method for heating up a Wood Fired Oven?

To heat up a Wood Fired Oven, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Prepare the fire: Start by placing dry firewood or kindling in the center of the oven. Make sure the wood is properly seasoned for efficient burning.

  2. Ignite the fire: Use a match or a fire starter to ignite the wood in multiple spots. Ensure proper ventilation by leaving the oven door slightly ajar until the fire gets going.

  3. Let the fire burn: Allow the fire to burn for some time, typically 1 to 2 hours, until the wood turns into hot embers. This process preheats the oven's interior and helps remove any moisture.

  4. Push the embers aside: Use a long-handled rake or shovel to push the embers and remaining burning wood to one side of the oven. This clears the center for cooking while retaining the heat.

  5. Clean the cooking surface: Use a brush or damp cloth to remove any ash or debris from the cooking surface, ensuring a clean and ready-to-use area.

  6. Allow the oven to stabilize: Let the oven sit for a while, typically 15 to 30 minutes, to allow the temperature to stabilize and distribute evenly throughout the oven chamber.

  7. Start cooking: Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, you can place your food inside and begin cooking. The cooking time will depend on the specific recipe and the heat level required.

What dishes can be cooked in a Wood Fired Oven?

A Wood Fired Oven offers a wide range of cooking possibilities. Here are some dishes and food items that you can cook in a Wood Fired Oven:

  1. Pizza: Wood Fired Ovens are renowned for creating delicious, authentic pizzas with crispy crusts and smoky flavors. The high heat and even distribution in the oven produce exceptional results.

  2. Bread: Wood Fired Ovens are ideal for baking bread. The intense heat and steam generated inside the oven create a crusty exterior and a soft, airy interior, giving your bread a delightful texture.

  3. Roasts and Grilled Meats: You can roast or grill various meats, such as whole chickens, beef, lamb, or pork, in a Wood Fired Oven. The intense heat sears the meat, locking in juices and creating a flavorful, caramelized exterior.

  4. Vegetables: Wood Fired Ovens are perfect for roasting vegetables, enhancing their natural flavors. You can cook a variety of vegetables, such as bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, and onions, either directly on the oven floor or in a suitable pan.

  5. Seafood: Wood Fired Ovens can be used to cook seafood like fish, shrimp, or scallops. The quick cooking time and smoky flavor impart a unique taste to the seafood.

  6. Desserts: You can also bake desserts in a Wood Fired Oven, such as fruit cobblers, pies, or even cakes. The intense heat helps caramelize sugars and creates a lovely, golden-brown crust.

  7. Casseroles and Gratin Dishes: Wood Fired Ovens are excellent for preparing casseroles and gratins. The even heat distribution ensures thorough cooking and beautiful browning on top.

  8. Baked Pasta Dishes: Lasagna, baked macaroni and cheese, or pasta bakes turn out deliciously when cooked in a Wood Fired Oven. The radiant heat from the oven adds an extra layer of flavor.

  9. Tandoori-style Dishes: If you enjoy Indian cuisine, a Wood Fired Oven can replicate the tandoor cooking method. You can cook tandoori chicken, naan bread, or other marinated meats and breads with that distinct smoky flavor.

  10. Smoked Foods: As mentioned earlier, you can also use a Wood Fired Oven for smoking food. Meats, cheeses, or even vegetables can be smoked to infuse them with rich, smoky flavors.

These are just a few examples of what you can cook in a Wood Fired Oven. The versatility of the oven allows for a wide range of culinary creations limited only by your imagination.

What are the essential tools required for a Wood Fired Oven?

To make the most of your Wood Fired Oven, here are some essential tools you may need:

  • Pizza Peel
  • Ash Rake
  • Oven Brush
  • Infrared Thermometer
  • Oven Gloves
  • Metal Spatula or Tongs
  • Basting Brush
  • Cutting Board and Knife
  • Fire Starter
  • Oven Cover or Tarp

These are some basic tools that will assist you in effectively using your Wood Fired Oven. Depending on your cooking style and preferences, you may find additional tools helpful, but these items should cover the essential needs for most wood-fired cooking experiences.

What is the proper way to utilize the Oven Door of a Wood Fired Oven?

The Oven Door of a Wood Fired Oven serves multiple important functions. Firstly, it acts as a damper, allowing you to regulate the airflow into the oven. By adjusting the position of the door, you can control the intensity of the fire and the heat inside the oven.

Additionally, the Oven Door helps prevent smoke from escaping the oven mouth, especially on windy days. When positioned properly, the door forms a seal with the oven mouth, ensuring that smoke is contained within the oven and doesn't billow out.

An interesting feature of our ovens is the placement of the flue in front of the dome. This design allows you to place the door all the way into the oven mouth, effectively sealing the dome and minimizing hot air from escaping up the flue. This feature contributes to the excellent heat retention capabilities of our ovens, enabling them to maintain high temperatures for extended periods.

By understanding and utilizing the Oven Door effectively, you can control the airflow, maintain optimal cooking conditions, and maximize heat retention in your Wood Fired Oven.

What are methods for cleaning a Wood Fired Oven effectively?

When it comes to cleaning your Wood Fired Oven, there are two main areas that may require attention: the Vent Arch bricks comprising the oven mouth and the Oven Floor. Here's how you can effectively clean each of these parts:

Cleaning Soot off the Arch Bricks:
Over time, smoke may occasionally leave soot marks on the brick arch, particularly if there is wind exposure. If you wish to remove the soot, there are two options. The first option is to heat the vent arch bricks to over 350°C/660°F, causing the soot to burn off. However, achieving this temperature can be challenging and requires the use of a blowtorch. Be cautious not to overheat the bricks, as it may alter their color and appearance. The second option involves using elbow grease. Grab a non-scratch scourer (avoid the green ones that leave marks) and scrub the bricks with hot soapy water. While most of the soot can be removed, some may remain lodged in the brick's pores.

Cleaning the Oven Floor:
After cooking in a Wood Fired Oven, the oven floor can become stained with various marks, particularly oil stains from cheese and other ingredients. Fortunately, cleaning the floor is relatively simple. Start by firing up the oven and rake the coals over the area you want to clean. Keep the fire burning in that area for approximately 30 minutes, and then move the coals to the next section. When you push the coals back over the cleaned section, you'll find the floor becomes spotless once again. The heat from the fire causes the oil within the bricks to vaporize and burn off, restoring the floor's cleanliness.

Is it possible to use a wood-fired oven for grilling over coals?

Yes, you can grill over coals in a wood-fired oven. While wood-fired ovens are primarily designed for baking and roasting, you can also utilize them for grilling by placing the coals directly on the oven floor. Here's a general procedure to follow:

  1. Start by firing up your wood-fired oven and let it heat up until the desired temperature is reached. This process usually takes a couple of hours to ensure that the oven walls and floor are thoroughly heated.

  2. Once the oven is hot, carefully remove any remaining embers or logs from the oven floor using a long-handled tool, such as a rake or shovel.

  3. Place a metal grill or grilling grate directly on the oven floor. Ensure that it is stable and secure.

  4. Prepare your charcoal or hardwood coals separately in a fire pit or charcoal chimney until they are hot and glowing.

  5. Transfer the hot coals onto the metal grill or grilling grate inside the wood-fired oven. Use tongs or a heat-resistant glove to handle the hot coals carefully.

  6. Allow the coals to settle for a few minutes to ensure they are evenly distributed and the grill is heated properly.

  7. Once the grill is ready, place your food on the grilling surface. You can grill a variety of items such as meat, vegetables, fish, or even pizza directly on the grates.

  8. Monitor the cooking process closely and adjust the position of the food as needed. Remember that the cooking time may be different from traditional grilling due to the unique heat distribution in a wood-fired oven.

  9. Use a long-handled spatula or tongs to flip or move the food during cooking.

  10. Once your food is cooked to your desired level of doneness, carefully remove it from the oven using appropriate tools. Be cautious of the hot environment.

Remember to always prioritize safety when working with a wood-fired oven or live coals. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and burns.

Is it possible to install a gas burner in a Pizza Oven?

Yes, it is possible to have a gas burner installed in a pizza oven. Gas burners offer convenience and control over the cooking process, making them a popular choice for pizza enthusiasts. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Compatibility: Ensure that your pizza oven is compatible with a gas burner installation. Check the manufacturer's specifications or consult with a professional to verify if your specific pizza oven model supports a gas burner.

  2. Professional Installation: It is highly recommended to hire a professional to install the gas burner in your pizza oven. They have the expertise to handle gas connections, ensure proper ventilation, and adhere to safety regulations.

  3. Gas Supply: Determine the gas supply required for your pizza oven. It could be natural gas or propane, depending on your setup. Consult with a licensed gas technician or plumber to install the necessary gas lines and connections.

  4. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is crucial when using a gas burner. Your pizza oven should have proper ventilation, such as a chimney or vent hood, to expel combustion gases and maintain a safe cooking environment.

  5. Safety Features: Gas burners typically include safety features like flame sensors, automatic shut-off valves, and temperature controls. Ensure that these safety mechanisms are in place and functioning correctly to prevent accidents.

  6. Controls and Adjustability: Gas burners offer precise control over the flame intensity and temperature, allowing you to adjust the cooking conditions according to your preferences. Familiarize yourself with the burner's controls and learn how to use them effectively.

  7. Considerations: While gas burners provide convenience, they may not replicate the traditional smoky flavor of a wood-fired oven. However, they offer consistent heat and are easier to use and maintain. It's a matter of personal preference and the desired cooking experience.

When proceeding with a gas burner installation, be sure to comply with local building codes and regulations. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines and consult professionals who specialize in gas appliance installations to ensure a safe and reliable setup.