Many people try to create pizza at home, but they can never recreate the results of their favorite pizzeria. Even consumers who purchase their own wood-fired ovens can have problems with the final product. Often, the reason for this inconsistency is due to poor pizza oven insulation.
Any type of baking relies heavily upon a properly insulated oven. Pizza oven insulation is extremely important for several reasons, particularly when working with a wood-fired oven.
One of the first reasons pizza oven insulation is so important is for safety. Improper thermal oven insulation can cause the outside of the oven to become very hot. Although the outside of most cooking surfaces heats to some degree, improper insulation can create an outer surface that burns with only a touch. This can be dangerous for the cook as well as any company or children that may be nearby.
Another reason thermal insulation is so important for an oven is to provide consistent quality. Poor pizza oven insulation allows heat to escape during baking times. Not only does the oven have to work overtime to re-heat, but the temperature inside the oven also does not remain at a constant setting. This means that each time a pizza is baked the optimum baking conditions are not met. When pizzas are over or undercooked at the same temperature settings, an insulation issue may be causing the problem.
Burnt pizzas may not be the only quality issue caused by poor insulation. When heat escapes an oven, pockets of cooler temperature may occur in the oven space. This can create an environment where parts of a pizza are not properly cooked. When adding raw meat to the list of pizza ingredients, improper cooking can lead to food poisoning or other health risks.
Any baker knows a quality oven is key to consistent quality. Whether baking a cake in a commercial bakery or creating personal pizzas in a small wood-fired oven, the insulation is one of the primary tools for quality. Those attempting to make their own pizza at home and experiencing consistent problems with burned or undercooked pizzas may want to look into insulating their pizza oven properly.